Monday, April 25, 2011

Uncontested divorce


If both spouses agree that marriage is to finish and arrive at a mutually satisfactory agreement regarding the settlement of final divorce, you have an uncontested divorce.

In an uncontested divorce, the couple is able to reach agreement on issues such as the Division of property, child support, spousal support and any other financial problems.

In an uncontested divorce there is no need for lawyers or hearings. In situations where there are children involved or the Division of marital property is wise to seek the advice of a divorce lawyer before signing any final legal documents.

Also, if there is the issue of child support a child support order must be signed by a judge. This will probably require both parties to be present during the hearings to determine the amount of child support agreement meets guidelines, child custody and support of States. And if not whether individuals have reached an agreement on just and equitable in the eyes of the Court.

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Utah divorce laws


In order to file for a divorce in Utah, the applicant or the defendant must be an actual bona fide resident of this State and County where the action is brought, or whether members of the armed forces of the United States that are not legal residents of this Statewhere the applicant has been stationed in this State under military orders, for three months next before the commencement of the action. [Based on code Utah 30-3-1]


Grounds for divorce are as follows:

The impotence of the defendant at the time of the marriage. Adultery committed by the respondent as a result of marriage. Signer's willful desertion by the respondent for more than a year. Intentional negligence of the defendant to provide for the petitioner to town life. The defendant's habitual drunkenness. The defendant's conviction for a crime. Cruel treatment of the petitioner by the respondent to the extent of causing injury or great mental anguish for the petitioner. Irreconcilable differences of the marriage. Incurable insanity. When the husband and wife lived separately under a separate maintenance Decree of each State for three consecutive years without cohabitation.

[Based on code Utah 30-3-1]


If the applicant and the respondent has a child or children, a divorce cannot be granted until both parties have attended the course of compulsory education and presented a certificate of completion of the course to the Court. The Court may waive this requirement on its own initiative or on the motion of a party, if it determines the completion and the presence of course are not necessary, appropriate, feasible or in the interest of the parties. [Based on code Utah 30-3-4]


Utah was equitable distribution, which means that if the parties do not agree, the property will be distributed fairly, not necessarily equally. When a long-lasting marriage dissolves on the threshold of a major change in income of one spouse by the collective efforts of both, that change is considered in dividing marital property and in determining the amount of food. If one spouse's earning capacity has been greatly improved thanks to the efforts of both spouses during the marriage, the Court may issue an adjustment compensator in dividing the marital property and food allocation. The Court must also include an order by specifying which party is responsible for the payment of debts, obligations or joint liability of the parties contracted or incurred during the marriage. [Based on code Utah 30-3-5]


Of the spouses may be granted, and the Court may consider the fault of the parties in determining foods. The Court will consider all relevant facts and fair principles and may, at its discretion, based on the standard of living foods that existed at the time of trial. The Court takes into account at least the following factors determine foods:

Financial condition and needs of the spouse recipient; Earning capacity of the recipient or the ability to produce income; The payor spouse's ability to provide support; The length of the marriage; If the recipient spouse has custody of minors needing support; If the recipient spouse has worked in a business owned or operated by the payor spouse; and if the spouse recipient directly contributed to any increase in the ability of the payor spouse paying for education received by the payor spouse or allowing the payor spouse to attend school during the marriage.

[Based on code Utah 30-3-5]


Although there are no specific provisions for the restoration of the maiden name of wife on divorce, there is a general provision that allows such change on petition to the Court. Any natural person, eager to change his name, he may submit a petition in the District Court of the County in which he resides, setting forth:

The cause for which he sought the name change. The proposed name. He was a bona fide resident of the County for the year immediately before filing the petition.

[Based on code Utah 42-1-1]


The Court considers, in any case, the possibility of joint custody, but can grant any form of custody, which is determined to be in the best interest of the child. In the determination of any form of custody, the Court will consider the interests of.


In determining whether the best interests of the child will be served by ordering joint custody or legal, the Court shall take into account the following factors:

If you need physical, psychological and emotional development of the child will benefit from joint custody or legal. The ability of parents to give priority to the welfare of the child and reach shared decisions in the best interest of the child. If each parent is able to encourage and accept a positive relationship between the child and the other parent, including the sharing of love, affection and the contact between the child and the other parent. If both parents participated in raising a child before divorce. The geographical proximity of the houses of their parents. The preference of the child if the child is of sufficient age and capacity to reason in order to form an intelligent preference for joint custody or legal. The maturity of the parents and their willingness and ability to protect the child from conflict that may arise between the parents. The ability of parents to cooperate with others and make decisions together past and present. Any history of, or potential for child abuse, spouse abuse or kidnapping. Any other factors the Court considers relevant.

[Based on code Utah 30-3-10]

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Reasons for divorce

Making the decision to divorce can be a complicated issue. Most divorces occur due to marital problems have solutions, but the parties to the marriage lacked the skills necessary to solve these problems. However, there are problems that should send marital running for an Office of divorce lawyers.

All this is a matter of opinion, in my opinion. Nobody should take the decision to divorce lightly, but there are cases where the divorce is the only solution. If you found in one of the situations to come to the decision of divorce should be easy.

Physical or emotional abuse:

If he/she hits you once happen again. You shouldn't stay in a marriage beyond that first punch, slap or push. NO excuses for someone who hits you, do not take the blame for someone hitting you. Violence is on the need to control and to exercise a power above a spouse, it is not a spouse to love.

Domestic abuse is available in several forms. Your spouse can physically abusing or emotionally abuse you. Scream, scream, name calling and put downs are not acceptable forms of behaviour. For their own safety and that of your children you must leave.


Once a cheater, always a cheater. Infidelity is very similar to domestic abuse; This is a behavior which repeats. A spouse will be cheat for many reasons, what you; the victim of infidelity must understand is that there is never a good reason.

Economic tensions:

You've heard the term "financial infidelity?" If your spouse is spending money and put a strain on the family income are committing financial infidelity. Your spouse may have a shopping or gambling addiction that are hidden from you. He/she may be running up credit card debt that you do not know about.

The question for you is, do you allow someone else problem is buried in debt or not to make excuses? Being married to someone like this can mean years of recovery and is usually repeated behavior over and over again.

Drug or alcohol addiction:

It is impossible to solve an addict. Stay for some reason though, those married addicts in marriage, believing that they can somehow illegal change. A drug addict changes when making the choice to change. An addict does not change, because they see their spouse or children suffer. Do not change until they hit rock bottom and only the addict knows what his rock bottom.

If you're lucky, the thought of losing her family will mean a positive change in a drug addict. If you are lucky and choose to stay in the marriage you can bet that the addict will bring their families with them.

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Life after divorce

You've gone through the process of divorce. You have taken care of all legal and financial issues. Now you face, finally the emotional problems of healing. What you feel?

Post divorce emotions can range from feelings of insecurity, confusion, anger, ambivalence, and in some cases shear relief. Life as we know it is over and now you have the job of building a new life. This requires work, internal and external work.

To set your world just outside it may be necessary to find a new home, build new friendships, start a new career or learn to live life as a single parent. The inside job consists of treating and working through any left over attachments to your ex. You may need to work through problems with anger over an unwanted divorce. You can experience fear the idea of living without a spouse who was once a sense of security. Whatever you have to do with either externally or internally, it is necessary to develop certain skills to help you in your transition to a new life.

Here are three skills that will help you to rebuild after a time of adversity:


Be willing to share that feeling and experiencing emotionally with others. If talking through our feelings did not help the healing process there would not be so many therapists in the business. Stay open and honest with friends and family. Share details of your emotions promotes healing.


Moving forward with your life means having the will to act. On days that they would rather pull the covers over your head, force yourself out of bed. Put one foot in front of others because every movement is moving forward and is in a direction that you want to move forward. Get up, go ahead and get on with your life. Start with small steps, and will soon be moving forward by leaps and bounds.


There is no healing without the belief that he can heal. Belief in ourselves and our ability to weather any storm is our greatest tool when it comes to move through a time of adversity. Be patient, kind and loving with yourself. Push any insecurities you aside and believe in its jurisdiction. If the odds seem against you, if you feel that you aren't going to do, go against the odds. Develop discipline, push all negative self-talk freaked out and believe that we can become who you want and live the life you want.

Hone your new skills; make it part of your daily life. Opening, action and belief in yourself and never fail to take you through adversity in your life. One day you'll look back and realize that all the pain and challenges you have experienced during the divorce gave way to some of your greatest accomplishment.

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Sunday, April 24, 2011

Love is not the solution to marital problems

I had an "aha" moment the other day, when talking to a client to find a solution to his marital problems. She had a list of "things", which has made her irritating. None of which were worth ending a marriage and the dismantling of a family.

Then she says to me, "I'm not in love with him." And it struck me, was not able to see the solution of the problem, because she was basing her desire to divorce on a feeling ... the feeling of romantic love. I began immediately to hum the old song, "What's Love Got to do with" and wondering why people expect to marry and to feel constantly "in love".

There is a difference between romantic love and love involved. Nearly 30 years ago, Elaine Hatfield wrote a book (A New Look at Love) on the theme of love in which she compared and contrasted with the idea of "passionate love and companionate love."... .post continued

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What are the main causes of divorce?

This is an opinion based article, written after years of working with clients. There is no scientific research to what I'm about to share thoughts and opinions, only that I have gathered during my career as a trainer/consultant of divorce.

I hear people say are often divorced because of infidelity or "growing apart", or better yet, "I fell out of love." I've often wondered if these people cheat, grown in a different direction or fall love never think of what I have there … to the point of divorce.

As or even better, because people go from happily married to divorced? Something happens between these two points and has little to do with infidelity or fall of love and everything to do with the two people who are a party to the marriage.

The leading causes of divorce: Laziness:

People don't want to work at the wedding. There is a wrong belief that marriage will make us happy. As if the marriage is a separate entity, something outside of ourselves that survive and thrive with little input from a husband and wife.

Women plan huge weddings; bridal showers to throw and go into marriage have no idea what marriage is. men find a woman, worship and work to take care of only to find himself married to someone who just wants more and then a little more after that.

What happens when they both become disillusioned with their marriage? Begin to look outside themselves to define problems in the marriage instead of watching the situation and asking, "what can I do to make things better?"

Blame seems to be the path of least resistance. It is easier to blame a spouse or a marriage in general than to assume responsibility for how they are living within their marriage, and that any changes that may need to allow a marriage to flourish.

People are too lazy to make self-exploration, learn better ability to report and put the personal effort required in a marriage. Bottom line, marriage takes the hard work and if you aren't busy working hard a marriage won't last.

Lack of communication skills:

Pure and simple, people do not know how to talk to each other and know even less. The most important conversations people have are with a spouse, but they put so little effort wisely express their feelings openly and listening to their spouse.

It is also common for spouses want to avoid the conversation fear that will cause them pain or their spouse. If it is unable to communicate, manages to solve marital problems. The easiest way to build trust in a conjugal relationship is through the ability to open and honest communication. If TALKING and listening doesn't become a habit there is no hope.

High expectations:

As Sam Walton said, "great expectations are the key to everything" unless of course we are talking about marriage. Expectations and laziness can go hand in hand when it comes to predicting whether a marriage ends in divorce.

The woman who bought the expensive wedding gown probably also has very high expectations of marriage. Men and women make a lot of assumptions when it comes to marriage and what to expect from a wedding. These hypotheses are based on many variables and problems arise when the result (marriage) does not satisfy the assumptions or expectations.

Marital expectations rarely aligns with the reality of what life is like inside the marriage. I'll give you an example of unmet expectations from my marriage. Women are taught by society that men want sex, that men think about sex and that sex is just second nature to men. According to the company, if you marry a man you can expect that the man wants sex with you.

I married a man who has defined its own rules when it came to sex. He did not think about sex, it was second nature to him and because he married a woman who thinks her husband her sexual desire is superfluous to say that there have been problems in the marriage, problems that lead to divorce.

If he had talked to me before the wedding, his lack of desire for sex would not marry him. You see, this is where communication and expectations play a role in the outcome of weddings. Communication before marriage can hold down any one may have unrealistic expectations of marriage.

In conclusion, it is my belief that divorce is not about infidelity or unhappiness. Divorce can be and is avoided by those who are willing to work hard at the wedding, those who know how to communicate effectively and those whose expectations are realistic.

Nine times out of ten if a husband or wife betrays them cheating due to problems in the marriage. Problems that could have been resolved if the work has been done, there had been communication, and realistic expectations. The same applies to those who say that "grew apart" or "fell out of love." Marriages are to be powered, if not fall victim to a myriad of problems. We are nurturing your marriage?

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What happens if I cannot pay the taxes?

You have just finished preparing your tax return and notice that you owe Uncle Sam a hefty sum, but can not afford to pay. You're going to jail? Probably not. Can make the realization that you can't afford to pay taxes feel uncomfortable, but don't worry, there are some actions you can take to remedy the situation.

Even if you don't have enough money to pay the taxes you owe, you need to send in your return within the period of deposit. While there is a bit of a penalty for late payment, the penalty for filing late is much more serious. So, no matter what the situation is, file taxes on time.

If you have $ 100 or $ 10,000, the first thing you should do is try to find possible sources to get this money. Consider the options available to you as the equity in your home, credit cards, savings, or cashing out paid time off to work. There are a lot of potential sources of money, but some may end up costing even more in additional interest.

While it is better to pay the taxes owed in full and on time, there are times when you just need to get your next paycheck or wait a couple of weeks until the money is available. If you filed your taxes on time, the IRS will send you a letter in the mail detailing how much you owe plus any further interest.

If you know that you have the money shortly after the term of deposit can have meaning only to wait until you send the invoice and pay it later, as the interest you pay will be relatively low compared to money with another source of funding. This certainly should not be a long-term solution and your goal should be to pay the IRS as soon as possible.

The Government, just like anyone else, prefer to have money for a period of time instead of nothing at all, so they have a floor installment is available when you can't pay in full. To request an installment plan, you should use the form 9465. You can also set this plan to make a direct debit from a bank account to make the process even easier.

Therefore, you can't find the money and you can't even get on an installment plan, what are my options? A final option offered by the IRS is called an offer in compromise. Keep in mind, this is only for extreme circumstances.

If you require an offer in compromise, you can offer to make a payment of a lump sum or fixed payments for a short period of time. This process requires that you have a complete personal financial statement and an application fee of $ 150 in addition to form 656.

These offers are evaluated on a case-by-case basis and may or may not be approved. If the IRS determines the information that you have provided that you are unable to pay the amount in full, the offer can be accepted. Although it is accepted, you agree to pay taxes in full and on time for a period of five years, once established.

Pay taxes that you owe is very important, so it is vital to explore all options before jumping to conclusions. Most importantly, file your return in time to avoid late filing penalty. Then, take the time to consider how realistic is it for you to pay taxes and what options are at your disposal.

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Men's Guide to divorce

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Il divorzio ? solitamente una decisione unilaterale che intercetta un marito alla sprovvista. Molto raramente coppia sedersi e venire per la decisione di terminare il loro matrimonio insieme. Nella maggior parte delle situazioni, un marito ? lasciato a lottare con le conseguenze della decisione della moglie di file per un divorzio. Non ? facile trattare con l'ammissione di una moglie che lei non vuole pi? essere nel matrimonio.

Tale rifiuto ? un enorme colpo all'equilibrio emotivo di un uomo. Egli viene lasciato con notti insonni, pensieri di non pi? come padre suoi figli su base giornaliera e teme di non essere in grado di proteggere i suoi diritti legali in un sistema di tribunale della famiglia che sembrano favorire donne e madri durante il processo di divorzio.

Questo articolo vi aiuter? dando consigli da un uomo e il punto di vista del padre. Troverete collegamenti ad articoli che verranno guider? attraverso comunemente di fronte a problemi che gli uomini si occupano durante il processo di divorzio.

Fronteggiare gli aspetti emozionali del divorzio:

Il processo di divorzio ? legale. Non c'? nessun posto in quel processo legale per le emozioni negative. La cosa pi? importante che un uomo pu? fare ? affare con l'aspetto emozionale del divorzio in un modo che non permette loro di interferire con le questioni legali.

In altre parole, avete bisogno di una testa di chiara, un processo di pensiero che ? guidato da una logica non rabbia o paura. L'unico modo per mantenere le emozioni da co-intreccio con la procedura legale ? quello di imparare le strategie di coping buona. Non seppellire le vostre emozioni, non negare sentimenti, lavoro attraverso di loro, in modo che si pu? essere al tuo meglio quando combattono per i vostri diritti legali divorzio. Qui di seguito i link all'articolo che troverete utile.

Navigare il processo legale di divorzio:

Cos?, dove iniziare una volta voi avete affrontato problemi del cuore? Con un avvocato di divorzio del corso! E, essendo un uomo stanno andando ad avere bisogno di un avvocato di divorzio buona. Hai un sacco di prendere in considerazione e un sacco di proteggere. MA, se si dispone di un avvocato di divorzio buona, colui che ha buone capacit? negoziale ? possibile proteggere il vostro ruolo di un padre e di tutti quei beni te e tua moglie hanno acquisito nel corso degli anni. Date un'occhiata qui sotto per gli articoli che vi aiuteranno ad assumere un avvocato di divorzio che sar? l'avvocato per voi.

Proteggere i vostri diritti di custodia del bambino durante il divorzio:

Come ho detto sopra, il sistema del Tribunale della famiglia pu? essere prevenuto nei confronti delle donne quando si tratta di custodia del bambino. Il cambiamento ? per? a piedi e padri che sono disposti ad andare il miglio supplementare stanno guadagnando pi? tempo con i loro figli dopo il divorzio. Padri sempre di pi? stanno guadagnando custodia 50/50 e in alcuni custodia legale di casi dei loro figli.

Qui di seguito sono collegamenti ad articoli sulla genitorialit? condivisa e custodia dopo il divorzio. ? indispensabile che ogni padre si rende conto dell'importanza del loro ruolo nella vita di un bambino. Tua moglie pu? essere utile un divorzio, che non significa che devi diventare un visitatore nella vita di tuo figlio. Quando assumere un avvocato assicurarsi che lui/lei capisce il vostro desiderio di guadagnare tanto custodia possibile ed ? disposto ad andare a battersi per te in tribunale.

Cosa aspettarsi durante il processo di divorzio:

I passi che passer? attraverso durante il processo di divorzio dipender? il distretto in che si vive. Ogni stato ha differenti leggi sul divorzio e ogni contea ha una propria procedura. Tuo avvocato di divorzio sar? e deve essere disposto a camminare attraverso ci? che il processo di divorzio sar? come per voi. Di seguito ? riportato un link ad un articolo che vi dar? un'idea di cosa aspettarsi nella maggior parte dei casi.

Comprendere la divisione dei beni coniugali:

Quando dividendo propriet? durante il divorzio un tribunale prima determina se la propriet? ? propriet? coniugale o non matrimoniali. Questo pu? essere un processo molto complicato e viene trattato secondo le leggi del tuo stato. Qui di seguito, troverete articoli che indirizzo di propriet? coniugale e come ? distribuito durante il divorzio.

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How to recognize and Fix filibuster in marital relationships

Stonewall, is defined as . Engage in delaying tactics; stall: b. to refuse to answer or cooperate. What exactly does this look like in a marriage? Below are some examples of obstruction in a marriage:

Your wife has done something that hurts your feelings, or there is a problem in which you want to discuss marriage with her. Your attempts to communicate your feelings on the situation are met with silence. On his way to avoid conflict is to refuse to participate in the conversation.Your husband spends all sports watch weekend instead of participating in family activities. Sits with him, explain to him, which does not have a problem with the sport to watch but would like for him to take a couple of hours of his weekend to spend with your family. He responds to fold their arms and mumbling, "whatever." Then he went back to watch the game. He is totally disconnected from the family and what the family needs him.Your wife is a shopaholic, so much so that it begins to worry about the financial impact of spending habits. Feels a need to discuss the issue with her and set some limits on his spending. Halfway through the conversation changes the subject; It is no longer on his shopping but now on how much time you spend at work. His taking the spotlight off of his faults and shining on your is a display of complacency. "How dare I point out my faults, when you have your faults." You are not happy with the lack of intimacy in your marriage. Your husband shows no interest in you or sex with you and it is time to communicate the level of pain and rejection that feels. You say that you are concerned about the lack of sex in marriage, that you want to come up with some solutions to this problem, and he leaves. He removes himself from the conversation and the Hall altogether. He has already distanced himself from you intimately, now he is distancing himself from you physically. Not only do not want sex with you, doesn't want to talk to you either. OUCH!

Used to the extreme, the filibuster is a way for one of the spouses to manipulate the other spouse to get what they want. It is a dismissal of what is good for the marriage and both spouses in favor of what is good for one of the spouses.

Men are more prone to stonewall in a relationship, because they feel overwhelmed when a wife wants "talk about feelings" or "discuss problems." We often hear men accuse their wives of "annoying" that, more often than not continued is. .. post

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Top 10 spring recipes

This recipe combines the best of winter with the best of the spring. Pesto preparation is one of my favorite foods of convenience. Combined with pasta, tender chicken and fresh vegetables, crispy, makes this salad sing.

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Saturday, April 23, 2011

You should pay taxes by credit card?

Do you have an income tax bill this year? If you simply cannot afford to pay your tax bill, you have some options.

You can pay the IRS delayed. Monthly late fee is 1% of the balance owed, $ 10 on a $ 1,000 tax balance.You can set up a payment plan with the IRS for a one-off charge of up to $ 105 plus interest monthly.Alternatively, you can pay by credit card. In this case, you are subject to the terms and conditions of your credit card contract. Before you can use the credit to foot your Bill, make sure you understand the advantages and disadvantages of paying taxes in this way.

You can earn rewards when you use a credit card rewards. Take advantage of the rewards credit card offers by placing taxes on credit card. Look, some credit cards rewards have restrictions on the type of purchases and expenditure minimum requirements before you begin, it is rewarding.

You'll have more time to pay your tax bill no deposit additional modules. Put taxes on credit card allows you to continue to pay your tax bill beyond the deadline April 15. The IRS has this option, too, but you have to file forms more benefit from it.

You're willing to pay interest on the taxes that you owe. The longer you take to pay off the balance of the credit card, the more you will pay in interest. Using a credit card low interest rate will reduce the amount of finance charges that you owe.

There are boards of convenience. When you pay taxes by credit card, the IRS charges a convenience fee of 2.49% is your tax bill. If you have $ 1,000 that the convenience fee will be close to $ 25. Put a $ 10,000 tax credit card will cost $ 250. Obviously, the more you owe in taxes, the greater your convenience fee will be.

You cannot bankrupt debt. Income tax is one of the types of debt that cannot bankrupt (along with child support and alimony). So if you have financial problems later down the road, be aware that bankruptcy does not discharge the debt of credit card supported by taxes.

Theyour card issuer might think that you are a risk. If you need to use your credit card to pay taxes on income, your card issuer can see it as a sign that you have financial problems. After all, why would you use your credit card if they could afford to pay taxes? As a result, the increased risk, your card issuer may increase the interest rate, lower your credit limit or even cancel your credit card.

Paying by credit card can give you the flexibility to pay for a period of time, but should only be regarded as any other credit card purchase. The balance is still subject to your credit card agreement. Interest rate and fees will continue to be dictated by your lender. Late payment will appear on your credit report, will impact your credit score and may affect your ability to obtain credit cards and loans in the future.

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Pros and cons of a Trial separation

Couples who have become disenchanted with their marriage, but are not ready to make a permanent step have the option of divorce or a legal separation or separation proof.

I am of the belief that all States should have divorce laws that require a period of "separation" or living apart before a legal divorce may be filed. The decision to divorce can be piloted by negative emotions that get in the way of making a rational choice.

Time away from marriage and spouses can sometimes clear thinking and help the reality intrude into the idea of being single again and all the wonders that come with fancy flying solo.

John and Amanda had been married for 16 years when John went out of the country on business for two months. John came to love the freedom and time away from the responsibility of being a married man.

Once returned to the American John .. post continued

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Divorce tips

By: James J. Gross

Once you decide that you want to get a divorce, there are eleven things you can do to be ready:

Start a war:

You're going to need your money for a divorce. You will be able to keep yourself and your children for a while, if you depend on your spouse and your spouse decides to cut support.

You'll probably also need funds to hire a lawyer. If there is anyway to start a separate account to guard against future financial contingencies, now is the time to do so. If you need to borrow money from a relative or a friend, be sure to sign a promissory note so the Court will look at this as a loan that you must repay and not as a gift.

Keep a calendar of divorce:

If you are using currently a day planner or calendar desk, now you will need to include your event of divorce. There will be meetings with your lawyer and short deadlines to keep track of. It may be useful to keep track of discussions with your spouse.

A calendar of divorce can be used as evidence in your case when the spouse does not keep an appointment or violated an agreement or a court order in some way. Dates of Visitation with children need to be catalogued. You also want to keep track of appointments with your children, teachers, doctors, coaches and mentors. This may be the proof of your participation in the lives of your children in your divorce.

Make a list:

You will need to stay organized and set your priorities during a divorce. This is the easiest way to do it. Lists all the items that you must make and mark them as you go through them.

Prepare a Notebook of divorce:

A divorce produces a lot of paperwork. It comes to you in a snowstorm. The easiest way to keep track of all these documents is a three ring binder and a handful of three holes. Two papers in chronological order and an index.

Set a File for divorce:

You may prefer to create individual files for various categories of divorce papers. Examples include correspondence with your lawyer, drafts of the agreements, financial information and memories. Files with brads and a Perforator two will help keep your documents orderly and organized.

Cut costs:

If you have debt in your name, such as credit cards or student loans, you want to pay those debts down as much as possible before a divorce. If your family is like most American families have been spending close to your entire income, if not more, and when a family becomes two, there will be enough money to pay the costs of both, unless something changes.

You may need to cut costs, sell your car and get a less expensive model or perhaps sell the House. If your spouse does not support voluntarily and children, the remedy is to ask the Court to order support. You will not have a good view of all this and do not know the answers for sure until an agreement is signed, or the judge makes a ruling. But the point is to consider and identify problems and possible solutions. Then take the actions you can take and avoid missteps.

Stick to a Routine: Help if you try to keep things as normal as possible in your life. Don't skip meals or change sleep habits. Positive routines, such as the use of your list and calendar will help keep the focus. Exercise is always a great way to relieve stress. Try not to isolate yourself from your friends. Be constructive:

Try to keep a positive perspective and do not be lured into unnecessary conflicts with your spouse. You'll need your signature on a settlement before the divorce is finished. You will still be parents together for years after the divorce.

Make a plan:

Take one day at a time. Focus on the present and the past. Try to check only those things within the control. Many things in a divorce are outside of your control. Try not to blow things out of proportion. Make a plan. Then continue to work the plan. Here's how to take control of your divorce and not let it take control of you.

Gather financial information:

How much more you can organize your own financial documents, the more you reduce your expenses and improve your chances of success. Are going to have to collect and organize lots of information for your lawyer or your case. A good way to organize information found is a financial statement which can be used as a checklist.

Many courts have a financial report form available at the Office of the Registrar of the Court and times online. If you can get this form and fill it out, will help you collect and organize your financial information. Give your lawyer at the first meeting to save time and costs.

Do your research:

It is valuable to learn everything you can about the divorce at the beginning of the process. If you know little or nothing about the process, you may not make the best decisions or choices. Most people are uncomfortable with the unknown. You can raise your level of comfort and your chances of success to discover what's going to happen before it happens. The Internet is a convenient way to obtain summary and detailed information about the divorce.

Of course there are other ways to research the subject. You can start your research at a library or a bookstore. There are seminars and support groups. Talk with friends who have gone through a divorce. But, keep in mind that each divorce is different. It is a good idea to know the basics of the law in your state early in the process of divorce.

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7 signs of identity theft

In 2009, 11.1 million adults were victims of identity theft, according to a study conducted by Javelin Strategy and research &. This was an increase of 12% from 2008. One of the biggest problems with identity theft is the cost to consumers both time and money. The study shows that the average fraud victim spent 21 hours and $ 373 trying to clear their names of identity theft.

Early detection is key when it comes to fighting identity theft. Before you know an occurrence of theft, the sooner you can take steps to prevent further damage. Learn to recognize the signs of identity theft, in order to respond quickly.

Calls from debt collectors are often the first sign of identity theft. By the time the debt collectors start calling you, accounts were often opened for several months. If you receive a call, inform the Agency of collection that this debt is not yours. Get a copy of your credit report to see if other accounts have been opened in your name, and place a fraud alert or security freeze on your credit report.

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Casual sex after divorce

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Let's tagliare all'inseguimento: tutti noi adulti divorziati hanno avuto rapporti sessuali e la maggior parte di noi ancora voglia di sesso. Il problema ? che non vogliamo possiamo "stringhe" di una relazione di full-on; Basta non siamo pronti. E, come tanto come masturbazione d? i nostri corpi qualcosa a 'merenda sul', sappiamo quello che vogliamo ? l'affare Full-pasto.

La questione se il sesso senza stringhe ? "cattivo" o "buono" in ultima analisi si riduce a voi, la persona decidere. Tu sei quello che deve vivere dentro la testa e il corpo, tu sei colui che detiene il martelletto. Per aiutarvi a decidere quando o se si vuole attraversare quella linea, qui ci sono sei domande, che ? possibile chiedere a te stesso.

Sono essere onesti con voi stessi quello che vuoi?

L'ultima cosa di cui che avete bisogno dopo aver camminato attraverso le viscere dell'inferno di divorzio ? di iniziare nuovamente la bobinatura emotivamente. E se pensate che il vostro desiderio per il sesso ? in realt? la nostalgia per un nuovo rapporto, si sar? essere diretti per cotanta dappertutto.

Essere pi? chiaro e onesto con te stesso come possibile. E per lo meno, se si decide di andare avanti e prendere il salto, promettono te stesso che non battere te stesso fino a non risultasse come previsto.

Ti senti un senso di valore in chi siete, indipendentemente dal fatto che qualsiasi altra uomo/donna pu? pensare?

Nei rapporti di sesso occasionale, partner spesso non sanno, o vuoi sapere tutto sulla vicenda. Ci? significa che voi non dovrebbe sentire il bisogno di dimostrare che sei e cercano di convalida per la tua magnificenza attraverso il suo occhi – si deve sapere. Pu? non essere totalmente in un luogo dove credi in te stesso, ma ? necessario disporre di alcuni forti sentimenti di autostima prima di non cominciare un nessun-stringhe allegata relazione.

Sono OK con la possibilit? di essere stato respinto?

In un dato momento, il vostro rapporto sessuale pu? giunto alla fine. Tuo amico che vi ha dato benefici improvvisamente potrebbe incontrare qualcuno che lui/lei vuole data sul serio. Un amante intermittente potrebbe improvvisamente si o sostituire perdere interesse. In alternativa, un one - night stand mai pu? chiamare per turno due. Potete immaginare voi stessi la gestione di tali scenari senza precipitando ai calanchi di auto? Si pu? apprezzare vostro rapporto casual per quello che era il momento?

Siete pronti per essere onesto con il vostro partner di sesso?

Entrambi dovete capire chiaramente che il vostro rapporto ? principalmente sessuale. Non si vuole sentire in ogni colpa se lui/lei dovrebbe decidere all'improvviso che lui/lei vuole 'piu'. Utilizzare la vostra intuizione e vostro intestino per gage se si pensa che lui/lei ? sempre collegato e non si ?. Ribadire i vostri limiti, se necessario. E, per essere pronti ad uscire il rapporto per salvare il suo sentimenti ed evitare qualsiasi potenziale drammatico.

Sono OK con aver protetto il sesso?

Come ho sottolineato nel mio articolo, sempre portare Latex preservativi & Play sicuro, i neofiti al divorzio e la datazione / scena di sesso pu? essere pi? inclinata a prendere rischi intorno sesso protetto; sono abituati a fare sesso senza, E automaticamente possono prendere loro nuovo partner al valore nominale.

Semplicemente non ? possibile prendere il rischio, anche se lui/lei dice che solo hanno avuto rapporti sessuali con quattro persone in tutta la loro vita, anche se si dice che non sono sessualmente attive con nessuno, ma voi. L'ultima cosa che volete fuori di questo 'tempo di esplorazione' ? un doloroso, possibilmente permanente, STD.

Quello che attraversa la linea come essendo troppo casual per te?

S?, ? possibile che due persone di avere due idee diverse su ci? che costituisce il sesso senza stringhe. Per alcuni, esso non pu? comportare alcuna conversazione reale di fuori della camera da letto. Per gli altri, alcuni 'tempo di amicizia' possono essere essenziale. Per me, un senso di rispetto e buone intenzioni sono un requisiti chiave. Solo ? possibile decidere che cosa si sente giusto e accettabile a voi. Quindi assicurarsi che si sente abbastanza forte per uscire la disposizione o ha il diritto di comunicare sia quello che pensa/sentire.

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California divorce laws


Both parents of a minor child have a responsibility to support their child in a manner appropriate to the circumstances of the child. The duty of assistance continues until the child is completed the 12th grade or reaches the age of 19 years, occurs earlier. Both parents have a responsibility to maintain, to the extent of their abilities, a child of any age who is incapacitated from earning a living and without sufficient resources.

The Court shall adhere to the guideline uniform statewide and may waive the guideline only in special circumstances as set out in this article. [Based on California family code-sections: 3900, 3901,3910, 4052]


To be valid, a prenuptial agreement is made in writing and signed by both parties. It is applicable without consideration. Parts for a prenuptial agreement can contract than any of the following elements: (1) the rights and obligations of each party in any of the properties of one or both of them whenever and wherever gained or lies. (2) the right to buy, sell, use, transfer, Exchange, give, lease, give, devote, consume, create a security interest, mortgage, encumber, dispose of, or otherwise manage and control properties. (3) disposition of property upon separation, marital dissolution, death, or the occurrence or nonoccurrence of any other event. (4) the achievement of a will, trust or other agreement to carry out the provisions of the agreement. (5) the right of ownership and disposition of the death benefit from life insurance policy. (6) the choice of law governing the construction of the agreement. (7) any other matter, including their personal rights and duties, in violation of public order or of a statute imposing a criminal penalty.

The right of a child support may not be negatively impacted by a prenuptial agreement. Any provision with regard to spousal support, including but not limited to, a waiver thereof, shall not apply if the party against whom enforcement is sought of spousal support was not represented by counsel independent at the time the agreement was signed, or if provisions relating to spousal support are inconceivable at the time of execution. [Based on California family code: sections 1611-1612]

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Friday, April 22, 2011

What is parental alienation?

Parental alienation syndrome is the deliberate attempt by one of the parents of children from the other parent. The motivation is to destroy the relationship of parents of children with the other parent. The process of alienation develops over time and some of the symptoms of the syndrome include some or all of the following:

A parent will speak ill of or criticize the other parent directly to the child or children. Negative statements about the other parent may be direct or indirect. For example, the parent can say, "we can't afford a new outfit for the dance school because your father/mother decided to spend the money on vacation with their new friend." It would be a more direct commentary, "your father/mother left because he/she didn't care enough about yourself to try to make the marriage work." Statement is intended to cause the child to feel anger towards the other parent. It is an attempt to use the child to match the other parent for causing emotional pain. A parent is the other parent speaks male within the range of hearing of the child or children. There are parents who say they would never say anything negative for their child or children, the other parent. Doesn't seem to have no problem saying negative things to other people, though, and if their child or children happen to be a distance hearing. .. post continued

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Easter recipes without gluten

Many traditional recipes for Passover, with the exception of unleavened bread, are naturally gluten-free. Make lots of gluten free Oat Matzoh Crackers and enjoy a wide variety of traditional Passover foods-gluten-free.Photo-? 2010 Teri Lee GrussMake more lots of gluten free Oat Matzoh Crackers and simply enjoy them with wine and cheese or use them for making unleavened bread gluten meal and Unleavened Bread soup gluten ball.

Recipe for gluten-free matzoh ball soup

zSB (3,3) naturally gluten-free and nutritious, this recipe for CHAROSET with walnuts mixed Israeli, Guide to Kosher Food, Giora Shimoni is particularly delicious.Another recipe from Giora Shimoni, fresh cabbage, onions, apples cooked in red wine vinegar are a favorite of course gluten-vegetable side dish for Passover. Learn why quinoa (keen-wah), a naturally gluten-free is rapidly becoming a favorite gluten-free foodeven for those not on gluten-free diets.Kosher Food popular cookbook author, Susie Fishbein has lots of fabulous Easter recipes gluten-here is a great entree-gluten dry rub short ribs. Just be sure that the condiments are natural and gluten-free!

Dry rub recipe for short ribs of Susie Fishbein

A tradition during Passover coconut macaroons are naturally gluten-free and so delicious. This recipe comes from our guide baking, Carroll Pellegrinelli.

Coconut Macaroons recipe

zSB (1,2), which do not enjoy this Easter recipe for double layer Shehakol cake, a concoction of eggs, sugar, coffee, chocolate and nus by Tamar Ansh, author of a taste of tradition: Pesach-anything is possible.

Recipe for the cake Shehakol Double Layer

If (zSbL

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Hire a divorce lawyer

Hire a divorce lawyer to handle the divorce is a very important decision. The following are some important guidelines to follow when hiring a divorce lawyer.

Any divorce lawyer that you consider should have substantially experienced in the processing of divorce cases in your area. An experienced divorce lawyer will know what to expect of the courts in their jurisdiction and should be able to use this knowledge to your advantage. In addition, the lawyer must practice primarily in the field of divorce law.

The best way to decide which divorce lawyer to use is to discover what former customers have to say about the lawyer. If you don't know someone who has been a client of such a divorce lawyer in particular, you should ask the lawyer a list of customers that you can contact describing their experience with the lawyer.

When a client is unhappy with a divorce lawyer, one of the most common complaints is that they were not able to communicate with his lawyer. It is very important that your divorce lawyer be accessible and ready to answer your phone calls, e-mails and requests for meetings. While you can request the divorce lawyer on their policy of the Office, this is another area where you can better assess the lawyer's divorce from ex-hear what customers have to say.

When you make your initial appointment with the divorce lawyer should request a consultation fee. Some lawyers brief initial consultations for anything, however most experienced divorce lawyers will charge between $ 100.00 and $ 200.00 as a consultation fee, or will be charged the normal hourly rate.

Discover the hourly rate of what the Prosecutor is, what will catch up front, if any part of the catch is refundable if it is not used, and how many times you can expect to receive invoices that detail their hourly charges and expenses.

While all the above are important, there is a final question, you should ask yourself before hiring a divorce lawyer. Are comfortable with that lawyer and confident in his abilities are? If the answer is anything other than a resounding Yes, you should keep trying. Your case is too important to entrust someone who inspires your confidence.

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The cost of infidelity

Married men are more likely than married women to commit adultery 7 percent. And, when a man has an affair, he doesn't seem to consider the consequences of his actions. It says a study to be published in the autumn, "so what did you do yesterday evening? The economy of infidelity ".

Infidelity for women peak at 45, the study found. For men, the peaks at age 55.

Gee, such as 55-year-old confessed adulterer was the news this week?

John Edwards, who claimed a week ago that he was "99% honest" in its statements about the young filmmaker Reille Hunter.

"A rich, famous politician John Edwards is a man with a lot of opportunities, and it seems that gave the cost of getting caught short. That fits well with our results, "Bruce Elmslie, Professor of Economics at the Whittemore School of Business and Economics at the University of New Hampshire and co-author of the study, said Firstwivesworld.

The study, written in collaboration with Edinaldo Tebaldi, Assistant Professor of Economics at Bryant University in Rhode Island, was based on general social survey data of the United States.

It is rare that looks to infidelity by a cost-benefit analysis, rather than a sociological or psychological.

Other points made in their study:

Men who are more likely to commit adultery: living in town (where there is a greater chance of escaping detection) do not have a college degree does not belong to any particular socio-economic men groupWhat does not consider having an affair: the economic situation of the new womanor her ability to bear children religion of educational level of their wife

"As with spousal education, men do not weigh the costs — spousal quality or eternal damnation — when deciding whether or not having an affair," said Elmslie.

Women who are more likely to commit adultery: living in town (where there is a greater chance of escaping detection) do not have a college education are regularly skip Church over classWhat women take into account when having an affair: educational attainment of their husband if their new partner can father a child and providing financial stability, religion

These are, of course, statistical results. And sometimes the percentages are small.

Elmslie Firstwivesworld said: "we have a difficult time predicting which men are more likely to cheat, based on the characteristics of their or their spouses".

About the study, however, it is important that men seem to respond to opportunities and not to our measures of the cost. "

In other words, to maintain a faithful husband, it is important to eliminate the opportunity for him to stray.

What do you suggest to end: travels of work during the night and going on the campaign trail.

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Connecticut divorce laws


The superior court may order either party to pay maintenance to the other, in addition to or instead of the distribution of property. In determining whether alimony should be awarded and duration and amount of the premium, the Court shall hear the witnesses, if any, of each of the parties, taking into account the length of the marriage, the causes of annulment, dissolution of marriage or legal separation, the age, health, employment, station, quantity and sources of income, professional skills, employability, immobile and needs of each of the parties and, where appropriate, the Court may issue distribution of property in accordance with, and, in the case of a parent that has been assigned the custody of minor childrenthe opportunity of this parent employment protection. [Based on Connecticut General Statutes Annotated; Title 46b-82]


At the time of entering into a decree of dissolution of a marriage, the Court, at the request of the spouses must bear the name of birth or that former spouse. [Based on Connecticut General Statutes Annotated; Title 46b-63].


In making or modifying any order with respect to custody or visitation, the Court must (1) guided by the best interests of the child, taking into consideration the wishes of the child if the child is old enough and able to form an intelligent preferenceprovided that in doing the initial order, the Court may take into account the causes of dissolution of marriage or judicial separation if these cases are relevant in determining the best interests of the child and (2) consider whether the party completed satisfactorily attended a parenting education program established pursuant to section 46b-69b. [Connecticut General Statutes Annotated; Title 46b chapters, 56, 56a, 56b, 84].


On or next to the annulment or dissolution of marriage or the entry of a decree of divorce or legal separation, parents of a minor child of the marriage, shall keep the child in accordance with their respective capabilities, if the child needs maintenance. If there is a child of the marriage not married who has attained the age of eighteen, is a full-time student and lives with a parent, parents should keep the child in accordance with their respective capacity if the child needs careuntil the child completes the twelfth grade or reaches the age of nineteen, whichever first occurs. The Court may issue appropriate orders to support any child with mental retardation, residing with a parent and that parent is mainly for maintenance until the child reaches the age of twenty-one years.

In determining whether a child needs maintenance and, if in need, the ability of parents to provide such maintenance and the amount, the Court will consider the age, health, employment, station, earning capacity, quantity and sources of income, summer, professional skills and employability of each of the parents and the age, health, education, occupation, status and life expectancy, amount and sources of income, employability skills, real estate and the needs of children.[Based on Connecticut General Statutes Annotated; Title 46b-84].


A prenuptial agreement is made in writing and signed by both parties. Enforceable without consideration. Parts for a prenuptial agreement can contract with respect to:

The rights and obligations of each party in any of the properties of one or both of them whenever and wherever gained or lies. The right to buy, sell, use, transfer, Exchange, give, lease, give, devote, consume, create a security interest, mortgage, encumber, dispose of, or otherwise manage and control properties. The disposition of property upon separation, marital dissolution, death, or the occurrence or nonoccurrence of any other event. Modifying, or deleting of spousal support. Making a will, trust or other arrangement to implement the provisions of the agreement. The right of ownership and disposition of the death benefit from life insurance policy. The right of both parties as a participant or the participant's spouse under a retirement plan. The choice of law governing the construction of the agreement; and any other matter, including their personal rights and obligations.

The right of a child support may not be negatively impacted by a prenuptial agreement. Any provision relating to the care, custody and Visitation or other provisions affecting a child shall be subject to review and judicial review. [Based on Connecticut General Statutes Annotated; Title 46b-36]

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Thursday, April 21, 2011

Divorce court

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Divorce tips

Or allow yourself to believe that children need in their lives. Don't ever get to the point that, seeing your children is more painful than not seeing them. If you are a non-custodial parent and dealing with this pain then suck it up. The long-term consequences and the negative impact of not having their parent in their lives beyond the emotional pain she feels.

If your spouse has left and filed for divorce it is time for you to take action. Don't sit and cry in your beer hoping that he will return. Get a lawyer and do what you must do to protect yourself legally. There will be plenty of time to cry in your beer later. Also, if your spouse changed his/her mind that are soon to come back no matter what actions you take. If no return will be protected at least alone and more than likely you will have money to buy all that beer will be weeping.

Never having the chance to forgive:

A ruthless heart is the biggest obstacle to moving past divorce and on a rich and fulfilling life. If you cannot forgive you will never be able to do nothing but make and suffer the consequences.

I wrote articles on what a person should do, if they are going through a divorce. I have given information on how to protect your interest, as cope with divorce and how to move to a new life and new relationship after the divorce.

This article consists of a list of things that a person should never do during a divorce. Every thing above I've seen made over and over again from customers and have assisted in my experience with divorce. I hope that helps any recognize list of behaviors are exhibiting and making necessary changes so that the divorce does not turn into a long drawn battle at issue.

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Conflict with the former spouse

Dealing with a difficult former spouse can be very daunting, frustrating and defeated. If there are children involved, which we believe it is our responsibility to try to have a healthy relationship with our ex-spouse. Sometimes, your efforts will not be returned, so the frustration. We hope that the following tips will help you when dealing with an ex who doesn't seem to want to deal with.

Ex-spouses often feel justified in their anger. They may feel you need to change or they may not trust you and your desire to have a relationship free of conflict. Whenever you try to change anyone, even to the best of reasons invite hostility as a response. Learn how to lower your expectations, and not try to change what you don't have control over. The more you try and change your ex or conflict over who is to address the situation.

If you've been to court and have reached an agreement or a court is handed down by a court order concerning financial matters. Live with it. Don't let your unhappiness, after the fact, affect your relationship with your ex or your children. If you came to an agreement with your ex-spouse live up to that agreement. If you have a court order, follow that order. No amount of anger over the financial arrangements to contaminate your relationship with your ex or your children.

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Premarital counseling should be required by law?

Research indicates that premarital preparation can be an effective strategy in supporting healthy marriage and reducing the risk of divorce, in some cases as much as 30 percent. Some States have created an incentive in State law to encourage couples to participate in premarital counseling or some form of premarital education.

For example, in Minnesota, a marriage license costs $ 100. Couples who took part in the Council get the license to premarital reduced rate of $ 30. Here is the problem, the couple must spend 12 hours in counseling at its own expense, to save $ 70 dollars on their marriage license. One must wonder how much of an incentive that really is.

Premarital counseling can cost up to $ 500. Would spend $ 500 to save seventy dollars? I don't think so. It is commendable that some States are offering an incentive, but couples in love and go toward the alter are blinded by love, spend money on flowers, gowns and receptions. Their hearts are full and the last thing on their mind is the fact that they can become part of nearly 50% divorce.

It's just a little too early in the relationship for these couples to understand the importance of consulting. Heck, most of them don't even know what marriage is.

I have a better idea! Why not make premarital counseling part of State law, a requirement for anyone who goes and regardless of how many times you espouse. If legislators are so concerned about marriage and families that counseling reduces the risk of divorce from 30% should be enough of an incentive to become law this law requiring advice.

The State is more than willing to get involved in our wedding we should file for a divorce, it should not be willing to engage in advance if it possibly could keep down the cost to the State once a couple with children joined the Family Court system?

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7 favorite spring Recipes

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Support and child custody

In the award of custody, the father is not be a determining factor. The courts held that there shall be a rebuttable presumption that joint custody is in the best interest of a child, but this does not imply an equitable allocation of time between the child's parents or an equitable sharing of financial responsibility for the child.

When determining contested custody cases, the Court determines custody in accordance with the interests of the child, taking into account all relevant factors including, but not limited to:

The will of the father of the child or parents as to his custody. The wishes of the child as his guardian. The interaction and interrelationship of the child with his parents, brothers, and any other person who can significantly affect the best interests of the child. Adjustment of the child to his home, school and community; and (5) the physical and mental health of all individuals involved. If the minor is over 14 years of age, the Court will consider the wishes of the child as to with whom he wants to live before assigning custody of such minor.

[Based on the New Mexico statutes annotated, 40-4-9, 40-4-9.1]

Child Support:

New Mexico uses a model of "income shares" to determine the level of maintenance of children. This means that the income of each parent is divided by the total income of both parents to determine the percentage of support that each parent is responsible. The total income from both parents determines the level of support to be paid, based on the child support tables. For detailed instructions, refer to the information contained in the guidelines of the child's support of New Mexico.

Child support continues until graduation from high school the children if the children are treated only by age, are under the age of nineteen and attend high school. Child support may provide for the maintenance and education after high school of emancipated children under a written agreement between the parties. [Based on the New Mexico statutes annotated, 40-4-7 and 11.40-4-1]

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Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Foreign divorce

This is only general information. Every case is different and questions regarding the interpretation of the law of the State of the United States and foreign laws should be addressed with an attorney in your jurisdiction.

Reply: State v. federal jurisdiction:

Marriage and divorce are generally considered matters reserved to the States, rather than to the Federal Government. There is no treaty in force between United States and in any country on the enforcement of sentences, including the recognition of foreign divorces.


A divorce decree issued in a foreign country, is generally recognized in a State in the United States according to the provided courtesy of both parties to divorce proper notice received, namely, service of process and, in General, provided one of the parties was a domiciliary of foreign country at the time of the divorce. According to the principle of courtesy, a divorce obtained in another country in the circumstances described above receives the "full faith and credit" in all other States and countries that recognize the divorce. Although full faith and credit can be given to an ex parte (a part of the action for divorce is absent) the Decree of divorce, States usually consider the jurisdictional basis on which the foreign Decree is founded and can retain the full faith and credit if you are not satisfied as regards the domicile in a foreign country. Many State courts that have addressed the issue of a foreign divorce where both parties involved in the divorce proceeding, but nobody gets home we have followed the view that such a divorce invalid.


Questions regarding the validity of foreign divorces in particular States in the United States should be submitted to the Office of the Attorney General of your state. It may be necessary to retain the services of a private attorney if the Office of the Attorney General does not provide such assistance to private citizens. Provide advice with copies of foreign certificates, marriage, divorce decrees and copies of foreign laws relating to divorce, which may be available to the foreign lawyer who has handled the divorce.


Foreigners "migratory" divorces fall into four basic categories.

Ex parte divorces, based on the physical presence of the applicant in a foreign nation, with constructive notice or service given to defendant absent. Visites divorces, based on the physical presence of both parts of the nation's divorce, or the physical presence of the applicant and volunteering "appearance" by the defendant through a lawyer. Void divorces, where a divorce is obtained ex parte without notice, actual or constructive, the accused is absent. Courts do not recognize or enforce this type of divorce. Practical Recognition divorces, practical recognition that can be bestowed these decrees because of estoppel, Laches, unclean hands or similar equitable doctrines under which the party attacking the Decree be effectively excluded from the protection of a decree of nullity. Many jurisdictions prohibit the spouse who has agreed to divorce from the attack and later under a principle of fairness, called "foreclosure". Thus, a party may be precluded from attacking a foreign divorce decree, if such an attack would be fair under the circumstances.Registration foreign divorces and the role of the United States embassies and consulates abroad:

There are provisions under the law of the United States or of a regulation for the registration of foreign divorce decrees at U.S. embassies or consulates abroad.


The uniform law on marriage and divorce (1970, 1973), 9A Unif. Laws. Ann. 461 (1965 Supp.) is in effect in Arizona, Colorado, Georgia, Illinois, Kentucky, Minnesota, Montana and Washington State. Section 314 (c) of the uniform law on marriage and divorce establishes a procedure for the clerk of the Court where the divorce decree is issued the decree to register at the place where the marriage itself was originally recorded. Divorce law recognition, 9 Unif. Read Ann. 644 (1979), specifically denies recognition to a decree of divorce obtained in another jurisdiction when both spouses were domiciled in the State of origin. The Act of recognition of uniform divorce is in effect in California, Nebraska, New Hampshire, North Dakota, Rhode Island, South Carolina and Wisconsin.


In the absence of a "certificate of witness to marriage", copies of foreign marriage certificates may be obtained directly by the Registrar in a foreign country where the marriage occurred. For instructions on how to obtain copies of foreign public documents, contact the Embassy or Consulate of the foreign country in the United States.


Obtain a certified copy of the foreign divorce decree by the Court in the foreign country where he was issued the Decree of divorce. Then you have authenticated the document for use in the United States. Finally, get a certified English translation of the Decree of divorce (the translator performs a certificate before a notary public in the United States). When requesting copies of foreign public documents, such as marriage or divorce records, it may be advisable to write foreign authorities in the language of the foreign country. Enclose copies of relevant documents and fees needed in the form of an international money order.

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Midlife crisis

The only thing that is common among people whose spouses are going through a midlife crisis is the need to monitor what is happening to them. If your spouse is having a mid-life crisis, I feel sure that you are spending a lot of time trying to understand its behavior.

Maybe I'm to blame yourself for things that are not your responsibility. Maybe you are ignoring your needs and the needs of children … doing back flips trying to make happy your spouse. Maybe you are suffering from depression and anxiety due to the lack of control you have over marital problems, which caused his midlife crisis.

I'm going to give you advice that will be difficult to put into practice. It takes willpower and ability to stand back from the situation and see what it really is. Most of us are people of action. When faced with a problem that we want to take any action that is going to solve the problem.

If your spouse is having a mid-life crisis, there is no action you can take. You are in a situation where not to take any action at all is the best way to respond. You may not be able to save your spouse by his midlife crisis, but there are actions you can take that will save you and your children from being drawn in his crisis.

Focus on your behavior, not its behavior:

You will have to force yourself to stop thinking about his behavior. Don't think about what your spouse is doing or what he/she is doing it with. Accept that you do not have any control over the behavior of anyone but your own. Let go of the need to "do something". You can do anything for the spouse who is suffering from a midlife crisis, unless they come to you for help. If you don't come to you for help, do not provide help or advice. Help yourself, because you can bet the last thing on the mind of your spouse is helping or advising you in anyway. Do not allow his behavior cause conflicts in your life. Setting limits with that kind of behavior is to accept and comply with these limits. Not long, drawn out by chance conversations about what they will not put up with. Lovingly tell your spouse what it is and is not acceptable, and what you will do if they behave so unacceptable. Learn how to develop your emotions in a healthy manner. You are dealing with a spouse irrational, it is important to be able to stay calm and centered ... for your love and those of your children. Work on building good self esteem. If all you can focus on nothing but what he/she is doing then you have problems with self-esteem. You need to learn that regardless of what does your spouse will be fine. Stay active and engaged in life. Exit at least once a week with friends. Remained involved in the Church. Take an art class. Do something is find pleasure in and fills up spiritually and emotionally. If you and your spouse are separated, do not call him/her. Do not initiate conversations about the issues in marriage. Don't tell your spouse how much I love them and want them to come home. Doesn't seem to need to your spouse's midlife crisis. The more they believe that you need them and can not do without them, the more comfortable they are pulling away from you. If you and your spouse still lives in the House, be polite but not spend time in the same room, unless he/she asks for your company. Busy yourself in a different part of the House. Less contact they have with the person causing emotional damage will make you feel better. DON'T make plans that include your spouse. Whether he/she has shown through their behaviour that they no longer want to act "married" so don't expect him/her to engage in family trips or catch a movie with you. Live your life with your children as if you're single. If he is having problems with his relationship with children, it is your responsibility to resolve these problems. The spouse can see any help you offer as interference. The spouse of midlife crisis is looking for any reason to be angry with you and blame you. Stay out half of the relationship with children, and that it will be one less thing to blame on you. NOT to defend themselves against any accusations that makes the spouse. Pushing your buttons and puts them on the defensive is exactly what you want your spouse. If he/she makes an outrageous accusation says, "whatever" and remove yourself from the conversation. Soon learn that cannot be pushed the buttons. Marital therapy suggest NOT, but if he/she makes the suggestion be willing to participate. Take it from me, if you're going to talk about issues with someone going through a midlife crisis is best done in front of a marital trained consultant. If at any time you believe that you can handle it emotionally seek help from your doctor. It is not uncommon for the spouse of a person undergoing a mid-life crisis to sink into a depression. If this is the case, get help and medication if necessary. Focus on what is good in your life. In the midst of trouble, it can be difficult to remain aware of the fact that we are blessed in so many ways. Stop, look around you and count your blessings. If you pay attention, you will see that, regardless of your spouse, you many think you be thankful for. Intervene when he feels helpless. When the spouse is making choices that have a negative effect on your life and that of your children are available options. You can always take legal action to protect yourself, your children and your marital property. Protect yourself and your children from the irrational behavior of a midlife crisis spouse is imperative.

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Reasons for divorce

Making the decision to divorce can be a complicated issue. Most divorces occur due to marital problems have solutions, but the parties to the marriage lacked the skills necessary to solve these problems. However, there are problems that should send marital running for an Office of divorce lawyers.

All this is a matter of opinion, in my opinion. Nobody should take the decision to divorce lightly, but there are cases where the divorce is the only solution. If you found in one of the situations to come to the decision of divorce should be easy.

Physical or emotional abuse:

If he/she hits you once happen again. You shouldn't stay in a marriage beyond that first punch, slap or push. NO excuses for someone who hits you, do not take the blame for someone hitting you. Violence is on the need to control and to exercise a power above a spouse, it is not a spouse to love.

Domestic abuse is available in several forms. Your spouse can physically abusing or emotionally abuse you. Scream, scream, name calling and put downs are not acceptable forms of behaviour. For their own safety and that of your children you must leave.


Once a cheater, always a cheater. Infidelity is very similar to domestic abuse; This is a behavior which repeats. A spouse will be cheat for many reasons, what you; the victim of infidelity must understand is that there is never a good reason.

Economic tensions:

You've heard the term "financial infidelity?" If your spouse is spending money and put a strain on the family income are committing financial infidelity. Your spouse may have a shopping or gambling addiction that are hidden from you. He/she may be running up credit card debt that you do not know about.

The question for you is, do you allow someone else problem is buried in debt or not to make excuses? Being married to someone like this can mean years of recovery and is usually repeated behavior over and over again.

Drug or alcohol addiction:

It is impossible to solve an addict. Stay for some reason though, those married addicts in marriage, believing that they can somehow illegal change. A drug addict changes when making the choice to change. An addict does not change, because they see their spouse or children suffer. Do not change until they hit rock bottom and only the addict knows what his rock bottom.

If you're lucky, the thought of losing her family will mean a positive change in a drug addict. If you are lucky and choose to stay in the marriage you can bet that the addict will bring their families with them.

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Phones and cheating

Emotional affairs occur primarily through the Internet and telephone, especially mobile phones. If you find your spouse hanging when you suddenly enters the room or erasing the history on the phone and she became defensive when asked about it, then you might want to add this behavior to your list of suspects.

Below are the behaviors to be aware of:

The spouse turns off his cell phone in your presence. Your spouse leave the room to take phone calls. Your spouse becomes upset if you answer her phone. Your spouse becomes defensive if you ask him/her about the behaviors listed above.

Most spouses engaged in an affair they consider their phone to be a necessary part of retaining the current affair. Allows them to keep in touch with the other man/woman in virtually all other times. You can talk with their lover while driving to work, to work, coming home at night. You can talk with them while shopping, pumping gas or taking your dog for a walk. Thanks to mobile phone crooks are now able to connect more deeply, more quickly.

What can you do if you become suspicious of your use of the phone the spouses?

Check the history of phone for incoming and outgoing calls. Check your phone for SMS incoming and outgoing. Check the list of contacts for any names that you are not familiar with. Check calls, missed calls, and dialled calls to the numbers of suspects. Check your phone bill for any unusual use. Insist that the phone bill in your name and the name of your spouse. Doing this gives you the right to request a copy of the phone bill should become suspicious.

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You are a spouse "walk"?

When divorce yourself emotionally, you separate your emotions from the marriage. Some spouses this happens before the divorce. For others it doesn't happen until after the divorce process.

The majority of divorces are one-sided. Very rarely will a couple sit down and come to a decision together. Normally the spouse who has already separated/herself emotionally from marriage wants a divorce. They have gone through a divorce and now need to be untied legally by their spouse.

Some spouses struggle for years with feelings of emotional distance before they come to the conclusion that divorce is the solution to their problems. I refer to a spouse in this situation as a "spouse Street walking". The spouse who is left to deal with his emotions after the divorce law refer to as the "spouse left behind." No matter what role you are playing, you have to come to grips with the end of your marriage and begin to see themselves as a. .. post continued

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Types of food

Whether or not it receives a spouse, spousal support or alimony depends on several factors. Among these factors are the length of the marriage, the ability of either spouse to pay and the earning capacity of the other spouse.

If you've been in a long-term marriage and the work of both spouses, with comparable incomes and retirement plans and then, more than likely there will be no spousal support. However, if you were in a long-term marriage and you were a stay at home mom, have no marketable skills and no pension plan you will receive your probably spousal support. By the way, most States consider a marriage of ten years or more to be "long-term".

What kind of spousal support received will depend on the financial situation in marriage. Below is a description of each type of spousal support, and when they are assigned.

Also referred to as "leaning lite," temporary spousal support is given when the parties are separated and divorce is not yet definitive. This is given so that the spouse can maintain their lifestyle between the time that the couple separates and divorces. Often is assigned through a temporary court order.

Rehabilitative spousal support is granted for a short period and is designed to help your spouse "rehabilitate" itself. Is paid to the spouse can get experience of training, education or the worker process or become more self-sufficient. It is also given to the mother of small children, so that she can stay home with them until they reach school age.

Rehabilitative spousal support is normally set for a specified period. The parties may agree to a time line or the courts may mandate a time line. If you are the spouse recipient you want to make sure the final divorce decree States that the need of spousal support is subject to later revision. This means that the Court may look at the facts of a case and determine whether spousal support should be continued, discontinued, or the amount changed.

Permanent spousal support continues until the death of payer, upon the death of the recipient or the recipient's remarriage. In some cases may continue after the remarriage of the recipient. It is a good idea, if you receive permanent spousal support to request that the spouses carry a life insurance policy with you as the beneficiary. If he/she dies you won't have to suffer the financial consequences of losing your spousal support.

Permanent spousal support can be adjusted up or down based on a change of circumstance. An adjustment of the amount of financial support is dependent on any changes in the life of the payer of the recipient. If the recipient gets a job with a salary higher paying can petition the courts to modify the spousal support, so that he/she is paying less. If the recipient suffers a loss of salary or a medical problem traumatic he/she may submit a petition to the Court and request an increase in support.

Reimbursement of spousal support is paid in such a way that a spouse can "pay" to the other spouse for certain costs incurred by others. For example, if you are married to a physician and worked and help put him/her through the school of medicine, you will be able to obtain reimbursement of spousal support that the money spent to help build the career of your spouse payback. Payments can be made in a lump sum or over a period of time.

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Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Divorce tips

By: James J. Gross

Once you decide that you want to get a divorce, there are eleven things you can do to be ready:

Start a war:

You're going to need your money for a divorce. You will be able to keep yourself and your children for a while, if you depend on your spouse and your spouse decides to cut support.

You'll probably also need funds to hire a lawyer. If there is anyway to start a separate account to guard against future financial contingencies, now is the time to do so. If you need to borrow money from a relative or a friend, be sure to sign a promissory note so the Court will look at this as a loan that you must repay and not as a gift.

Keep a calendar of divorce:

If you are using currently a day planner or calendar desk, now you will need to include your event of divorce. There will be meetings with your lawyer and short deadlines to keep track of. It may be useful to keep track of discussions with your spouse.

A calendar of divorce can be used as evidence in your case when the spouse does not keep an appointment or violated an agreement or a court order in some way. Dates of Visitation with children need to be catalogued. You also want to keep track of appointments with your children, teachers, doctors, coaches and mentors. This may be the proof of your participation in the lives of your children in your divorce.

Make a list:

You will need to stay organized and set your priorities during a divorce. This is the easiest way to do it. Lists all the items that you must make and mark them as you go through them.

Prepare a Notebook of divorce:

A divorce produces a lot of paperwork. It comes to you in a snowstorm. The easiest way to keep track of all these documents is a three ring binder and a handful of three holes. Two papers in chronological order and an index.

Set a File for divorce:

You may prefer to create individual files for various categories of divorce papers. Examples include correspondence with your lawyer, drafts of the agreements, financial information and memories. Files with brads and a Perforator two will help keep your documents orderly and organized.

Cut costs:

If you have debt in your name, such as credit cards or student loans, you want to pay those debts down as much as possible before a divorce. If your family is like most American families have been spending close to your entire income, if not more, and when a family becomes two, there will be enough money to pay the costs of both, unless something changes.

You may need to cut costs, sell your car and get a less expensive model or perhaps sell the House. If your spouse does not support voluntarily and children, the remedy is to ask the Court to order support. You will not have a good view of all this and do not know the answers for sure until an agreement is signed, or the judge makes a ruling. But the point is to consider and identify problems and possible solutions. Then take the actions you can take and avoid missteps.

Stick to a Routine: Help if you try to keep things as normal as possible in your life. Don't skip meals or change sleep habits. Positive routines, such as the use of your list and calendar will help keep the focus. Exercise is always a great way to relieve stress. Try not to isolate yourself from your friends. Be constructive:

Try to keep a positive perspective and do not be lured into unnecessary conflicts with your spouse. You'll need your signature on a settlement before the divorce is finished. You will still be parents together for years after the divorce.

Make a plan:

Take one day at a time. Focus on the present and the past. Try to check only those things within the control. Many things in a divorce are outside of your control. Try not to blow things out of proportion. Make a plan. Then continue to work the plan. Here's how to take control of your divorce and not let it take control of you.

Gather financial information:

How much more you can organize your own financial documents, the more you reduce your expenses and improve your chances of success. Are going to have to collect and organize lots of information for your lawyer or your case. A good way to organize information found is a financial statement which can be used as a checklist.

Many courts have a financial report form available at the Office of the Registrar of the Court and times online. If you can get this form and fill it out, will help you collect and organize your financial information. Give your lawyer at the first meeting to save time and costs.

Do your research:

It is valuable to learn everything you can about the divorce at the beginning of the process. If you know little or nothing about the process, you may not make the best decisions or choices. Most people are uncomfortable with the unknown. You can raise your level of comfort and your chances of success to discover what's going to happen before it happens. The Internet is a convenient way to obtain summary and detailed information about the divorce.

Of course there are other ways to research the subject. You can start your research at a library or a bookstore. There are seminars and support groups. Talk with friends who have gone through a divorce. But, keep in mind that each divorce is different. It is a good idea to know the basics of the law in your state early in the process of divorce.

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Cost of divorce


The average cost of divorce in the United States is $ 15,000. The good news is that the cost of a divorce can be managed just as you manage a household budget. That said, if you are active and want to protect those assets your first concern should not be divorcing as economically as possible. When it comes to getting a divorce, you may need to spend money to save money.

Go after a divorce ' economic ' could have consequences in the short and long term. During the negotiation of the Division of property, retirement benefits or the issue of spousal support to pay for pay ... if you know what I mean.

Since your divorce costs depends on the route you take when getting a divorce. Below are four main ways of obtaining a divorce:

The Court of divorce:

If you and your spouse are able to mediate and come to an agreement on issues such as the Division of property, custody of the child or spousal support, the next step is to divorce court. This is when it gets expensive. You will be hiring lawyers and other experts to advocate for you in court. There will be court costs and filing fees to pay. You will pay your lawyer at the time and cost of which depends on which area of the country you live in.

If you get lucky you will both lawyers willing to work together to reach an agreed solution. If you become the victim of adversarial lawyers drag out divorce and when this happens, the costs become prohibitive.


Divorce mediation is an alternative to Court litigation for resolving disputes that arise as two people divorce. A broker acting as an impartial third party helps couples work through their divorce issues to reach a mutually agreeable solution. This is a voluntary process which allows couples to maintain control over the outcome of their divorce without hiring lawyers and going to divorce court. The only cost associated with a mediated divorce is the cost of the Ombudsman, the sums paid to have an attorney review the agreement and filing taxes with the Court.

Do It Yourself/Pro Se litigation:

Pro Se divorce litigation means that represent themselves in your divorce without a lawyer. Must follow procedures that are the same, if you're Pro Se, but you will be responsible for filling and presentation of all legal forms. Costs only of Pro Se litigation are submitting taxes and fees should go to divorce Court and represent themselves.

Collaborative divorce:

In a collaborative divorce there will be two lawyers, two coaches, a financial expert, collaborative divorce and if you have children one child specialist. Although the collaborative divorce may be costly in the long term is much less expensive than a long, drawn out by chance contested divorce. During the collaborative process, you pay every specialist own hourly rate, but there are court costs or filing fees associated with the process.

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Trial separation

Couples who have become disenchanted with their marriage, but are not ready to make a permanent step have the option of divorce or a legal separation or separation proof.

I am of the belief that all States should have divorce laws that require a period of "separation" or living apart before a legal divorce may be filed. The decision to divorce can be piloted by negative emotions that get in the way of making a rational choice.

Time away from marriage and spouses can sometimes clear thinking and help the reality intrude into the idea of being single again and all the wonders that come with fancy flying solo.

John and Amanda had been married for 16 years when John went out of the country on business for two months. John came to love the freedom and time away from the responsibility of being a married man.

Once returned to the American John filed for divorce from Amanda and moved into their own apartment. He loved life and his freedom until Amanda started dating, he was seriously involved with someone six months after the divorce was final.

Suddenly, John has had to face the reality of his wife with another man and another man living and helping to raise her children. And this is when he began to regret his move to divorce so quickly. If John had taken time away from her wedding through a separation test there is a strong possibility that her marriage would survive, and he would not live with the pain of his actions.

Regardless of why you feel the need to divorce is in your best interest to test, trial or a legal separation before the dissolution of all your wedding.

What is the difference between a test and legal separation?

A trial separation is an informal agreement between the two spouses to live apart. There are no legal agreements involved, lawyers or judges. During a legal separation a couple decides to live separately and uses a family court's Prosecutor to draw up a legal separation agreement that outlines the issues such as child custody, who pays the Bills, who lives where and duration of separation.

Practitioners of a separation test:


Cons: trial separation

I would suggest that each couple involved in either a trial or legal separation marital/family profession seek advice during the period of separation. Time apart may help cool negative emotions, but do not teach relationship skills that will be needed because if you don't learn a new way of dealing with marital problems, the same problems will surface again.

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