Making the decision to divorce can be a complicated issue. Most divorces occur due to marital problems have solutions, but the parties to the marriage lacked the skills necessary to solve these problems. However, there are problems that should send marital running for an Office of divorce lawyers.
All this is a matter of opinion, in my opinion. Nobody should take the decision to divorce lightly, but there are cases where the divorce is the only solution. If you found in one of the situations to come to the decision of divorce should be easy.
Physical or emotional abuse:
If he/she hits you once happen again. You shouldn't stay in a marriage beyond that first punch, slap or push. NO excuses for someone who hits you, do not take the blame for someone hitting you. Violence is on the need to control and to exercise a power above a spouse, it is not a spouse to love.
Domestic abuse is available in several forms. Your spouse can physically abusing or emotionally abuse you. Scream, scream, name calling and put downs are not acceptable forms of behaviour. For their own safety and that of your children you must leave.
Once a cheater, always a cheater. Infidelity is very similar to domestic abuse; This is a behavior which repeats. A spouse will be cheat for many reasons, what you; the victim of infidelity must understand is that there is never a good reason.
Economic tensions:
You've heard the term "financial infidelity?" If your spouse is spending money and put a strain on the family income are committing financial infidelity. Your spouse may have a shopping or gambling addiction that are hidden from you. He/she may be running up credit card debt that you do not know about.
The question for you is, do you allow someone else problem is buried in debt or not to make excuses? Being married to someone like this can mean years of recovery and is usually repeated behavior over and over again.
Drug or alcohol addiction:
It is impossible to solve an addict. Stay for some reason though, those married addicts in marriage, believing that they can somehow illegal change. A drug addict changes when making the choice to change. An addict does not change, because they see their spouse or children suffer. Do not change until they hit rock bottom and only the addict knows what his rock bottom.
If you're lucky, the thought of losing her family will mean a positive change in a drug addict. If you are lucky and choose to stay in the marriage you can bet that the addict will bring their families with them.
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