We have all felt shame about an action or behavior of our. It's human to make mistakes and more, when they do, try to put those mistakes right.
When we talk about abusive words and actions can disgrace us feel we are talking about something completely different. We feel invalidated, disrespected and diminished by the actions and behaviors of someone else.
Shame, that we feel for our mistake is easier to overcome shame, that we feel due to the actions of those we love. Only someone who lacked the compassion and empathy would have tried to shame the person who supposedly more love.
Examples of words: shameStupid,
M Retard.
You're like an idiot! "
"What do you think you are?"
"How can be so stupid?"
"Never hear a word I say."
"Playing Video Games is silly".
"Only bad men Watch Playboy."
You're wrong, I'm right! "
"You got fat after we got married."
"You're a retard."
If the spouse is using words to shame you, he/she is trying to dominate it and more than likely are internalizing and believing things your spouse says.
Being shame will pull away from friends and family. Shame tells that you are not worthy of having intercourse. People who feel shame are likely to be angry and blame others for their feelings. It is ironic that feelings of shame, cause the destruction of the same thing you may want … relationship and connection with your spouse.
When shamed by the words of our spouse we withdraw from the very thing that we need to recover … relationships. Not only does shame destroy relationships but also destroy relationships, shame.
Verbal abuse and shaming convinces us we are inferior, but when it is connected with others the respect they receive destroys the shame that we feel. It is important that they remain close to friends and family in the event of a report verbally abusive.
Should cling closely to build up and away from the spouse who does not respect and decreases with words of shame.
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